The Department of Surgery at D.G Khan Medical College is run by experienced and dedicated team of teachers and surgeons, who are committed to implement the changing modern concepts and strategies of medical education. The subject of Surgery is taught to all levels of MBBS students to 3rd year students at GKMC.The surgical department has progressively developed manifolds and established heights of success. Some of the important achievements are Induction of Laparoscopic surgery and Skill lab to teach students the life saving emergencies, when facing in the practical life. A diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic suit is being developed. The students are exposed to observation of various surgical procedures.Qualified doctors from GKMC doing house job are trained under the direct supervision of senior staff to prepare them for future. The Department is actively involved in research projects. Many papers have been published in different journals. Multimedia, Internet facilities, well equipped libraries with latest books help student to excel in the educational activities.